Trustees and Constitution
Dunnikier Park Community Golf was approved by OSCR (the Office of the Scottish Charity Register) on 6th August 2021.
We have 7 Trustees (as at 24th February 2023):
Chair: Martin Christie - retired chartered accountant. Experienced in leading and managing business transformation and performance improvement.
Vice-Chair and Treasurer: Richard Murdoch - Head of Asset Management at a Registered Social Landlord. Experienced in managing budgets and leading teams to achieve strategic objectives.
Secretary: Raymond Johnston - Chartered Quantity Surveyor and golf club secretary. Experienced in delivering complex work programmes and all areas of golf club management.
Other Trustees
Iain Evans - Business Manager, Fife Golf Trust. Experienced in advising business, including golf clubs, on governance and business planning best practice.
Izzy Scott-Trimm: Community Development Team Manager, and Wellbeing Practitioner. Experienced in capacity building of groups and organisations with governance and fundraising, reaching out to vulnerable groups within the community and facilitating activities.
Pamela Stevenson: Operational lead for Economic Development, for Fife Council; Chair of the Business Gateway Operational Network and former entrepreneur.
Pauline Randall - Business Consultant. Experienced in optimising the benefits of information technology.
Financial Year
Our financial year runs to 30th November.
An abstract of our accounts can be found in our Trustees' Reports.
Our Constitution
The constitution was approved on 30th September, 2021. It was updated at our AGM, held on 24th February 2023. A copy of our current constitution can be found below.